MTC MTB-23-020-P



Michigan Food EquipmentA.E.C. PRICE - $14500 NET (AS-IS)OR 24500 REFURBISHED NET3/28/07 - Cust # Do you have any additional pictures that show the outlet etc. (to vendor 3/29) Can you do the work on it (panel cylinders &guards)? YES (PRICE RE-Furbished with new custome guards rebuilt cylinders and control panel: $24500.00 (MAX used price would be 30K. please push that this unit will be refurbished When we say we are going to refurbish its more than a new coat of paint and a quick clean up. We will test motors and if necissary we will rebuilt them if bearings need replacement we do it our guards are custom made and done so by proffesionals not joe blow making 6 bucks an hour with a hack saw. our cylinders are done by me personally I dont trust anyone else to actually do it. The control panel are standard with push start stop nothing really complicated unless desired by the customer these are also usually done in house unless we are contracting out other project at the time then we might throw this in as well. ALSO NOTE MY PRICE MAY SEEM SLIGHTLY HIGH TO THE CUSTOMER BUT AS YOU MAY ALREADY KNOW STAINLESS STEEL PRICES HAVE NEARLY DOUBLED DRIVING THE COST OF MANUFACTURING THE GUARDS UP. (I would predict we will end up with several thousand just making the guards)Aside from those (panel cylinders &guards) is it in good running condition? YESWhat type of service did it come from? My customer is a food guy. I presumeIt is suitable for food. YES (IT CAME FROM MEAT CO. IN MID-WEST CAME OUT OF USDA PLANT)Also I take it the price you quoted me is net? If so what do you think I should quote it SEE ABOVE you should be able to make at least 3K or more if desired.


Serial Number10013.0
Stock Number4129
Machine id4171
Machine description2000 LBS. MTC TWIN SHAFT PADDLE BLENDER - ALL S/S
Machine code05M
Equipped with1 - Refurbished MTC Dual Shaft Paddle Blender. Model - MTB-23-020-P. With dual 10 HP motors. Last used in a U.S.D.A. meat facility. Refurbishing to include new custom guards rebuilt cylinders and control panel. Motors and bearings to be tested & replaced or repaired if necessary. Control panel would be a standard type with push start/stop. F.O.B. - LOCATION
Subcategory sort999.0